Subcision of Acne Scars

Scar Treatment

  • Subcision involves the manual breakup of depressed scars. When these adhesions are broken up, the depressed skin (and visible scar) is released allowing new connective tissue to form which improves the textural appearance of the skin. A small hole is created in the skin, and a blunt-tipped cannula is used.

  • All clients are different but most benefit from even 1 subcision treatment. Depending on the goals, several sessions (spaced 6 weeks apart) may be necessary. Nurse Sophie will work with you to curate a plan that best suits your individual needs.

  • The time taken for subcision of acne scarring is dependent on the severity of the skin being treated. It typically takes less than 30 minutes but is usually combined with SkinPen microneedling and platelet-rich plasma therapies for the most efficient recovery and exceptional results.

  • Every client has a different pain threshold with most clients not requiring a numbing agent for this treatment, but they can be used for increased comfort.

  • Your skin will be mildly red, feel tight, and be slightly swollen immediately after treatment. This lasts for 24-48 hours. Nearly all clients return to normal activities within 48-72 hours.

  • You will notice an improvement in skin tone and texture after 72 hours but the real results begin 4-12 weeks later as your collagen and elastin develop.

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