SkinPen microneedling and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatments

Skin Rejuvenation

  • Microneedling creates tiny holes in the skin which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. This collagen acts as structural support and elastin provides flexibility and bounce in the skin. Maintaining and increasing your collagen and elastin serves to improve fine lines, tone, texture, and pore size. Microneedling also helps break up pigmented or discoloured patches of skin. It is an excellent treatment for those with acne or surgical scarring.

  • Applying PRP with a microneedling treatment expedites the collagen and elastin production by actively triggering the body’s healing and growing response. It speeds recovery from the basic microneedling procedures and provides an upgraded result. It can also be injected into areas where specific growth is desired, such as the tear troughs under the eye, to reduce dark circles and hollowing.

  • All clients are different but most benefit from a series of 3-6 sessions. Usually this is planned as a series of 3 treatments (spaced 6 weeks apart) on a scheduled basis, then maintenance sessions can be spaced further apart. Nurse Sophie will work with you to curate a plan to best suit your individual needs.

  • Microneedling can be completed within an hour.

  • SkinPen microneedling is the most-comfortable when clients have been appropriately numbed for at least 20 minutes before the treatment. This ensures that the actual procedure is not painful. It will feel like a buzzing sensation over the skin for approximately 20 minutes to treat the full face and neck.

    For PRP, a blood sample will be drawn from your arm by Nurse Sophie. This blood sample will be spun in the centrifuge machine then the PRP will be drawn up and applied to your skin.

  • With basic or PRP-infused microneedling, your skin will be slightly red and feel tight, almost like a sunburn, for up to 24 hours. If you have PRP injected into the skin, it will be swollen for approximately 48 hours. Most people return to normal activities within 48-72 hours.

  • You will notice an improvement in skin tone and texture after 72 hours but the real results begin 4-12 weeks later as your collagen and elastin develop.

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